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Contouring my body with 3D Lipo



Losing weight is not easy; it’s a long, hard journey! Despite having lost weight, I still couldn’t get the results I was hoping for. But sometimes, diet and exercise just aren’t enough.

All the exercise and healthy food didn’t give me what I wanted

I used a healthy diet plan, took the stairs instead of the elevator, and worked out consistently! After all that effort I put in, I still didn’t get the body I wanted.

I noticed that no matter how much weight I was losing, there was hardly any improvement in my thighs and love handles, my biggest concern. Was I at a healthier body weight? Yes. Was I feeling any more confident? No. My best efforts still weren’t enough to shake off my body fat anxiety.

3D Lipo was my life changing discovery

Doing some online research, I came across different doctors for body contouring. Dr. Pisarski’s approach to liposuction was the answer to my calling. His signature 3D Lipo procedure included not one, but three treatments to help contour my body! By using laser energy to gently melt fat from my stubborn areas before extraction, I was able to recover from the procedure much quicker and with less swelling than if I had undergone traditional liposuction. Dr. Pisarski finished off the procedure using a radiofrequency skin rejuvenation treatment to improve the skin – and I was shocked by the results.

Looking my best for the holidays

Holidays are the time of family gatherings, that I admit, don’t happen as much as they should. This time of year, we all huddle together for the perfect photos, and it has always sparked a little insecurity in me. I would stand in the background, trying my best to cover up my body.

Now, my thighs are slimmed down, and my stomach is flatter and more sculpted– sans love handles. My skin also appears smoother and rejuvenated. I am so excited to show off my new look to family and friends during the holidays, wearing any dress I want without hesitation. Before I thought the body, I wanted was unattainable, but I’m thankful that I found out I was wrong.

The team at Dr. Pisarski’s office made my whole experience as comfortable and seamless as possible. They answered all my endless questions and concerns. They gave me reassurance every step of the way. Every day, I now wake up confident and comfortable in my own skin.

Book an appointment with Dr. Pisarski at Gulf Coast Plastic Surgery today on (979) 297-9289