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Breast Rejuvenation in Lake Jackson, TX

What Do I Need to Know After Booking Breast Rejuvenation Surgery?

Do you live in Lake Jackson, Bay City, Angleton, or Houston, TX and are looking to have breast surgery? Here at Gulf Coast Plastic Surgery, led by Dr. Pisarski, a triple board-certified plastic surgeon, we offer numerous breast surgery options to help you achieve your aesthetic goals.
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Breast Augmentation in Lake Jackson, TX

What Forms Do I Need to Fill Out for Breast Enhancement?

If it’s your first visit to Gulf Coast Plastic Surgery, you’ll need to start by filling out a patient information form. This tells us everything we need to know about you and your medical history in order to provide you with safe and effective care. We also require that you fill out a breast history form. Finally, some patients also choose to fill out a medical release form so that we can share copies of your medical records with necessary parties. If we need other forms completed, we will inform you during the consultation process or prior to your surgery appointment.

How Should I Prepare for Breast Rejuvenation Surgery?

Preparation for your breast rejuvenation surgery with Dr. Pisarski is crucial for ensuring a smooth procedure and optimal recovery. Here is how you can plan and prepare for the day of surgery:

  • Diet and Nutrition: Adopt a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals to support healing. Consider increasing your intake of protein, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
  • Hydration: Stay well-hydrated in the weeks leading up to your surgery as this can help with recovery and reduce the risk of complications.
  • Smoking and Alcohol: It's imperative to quit smoking and limit alcohol consumption at least 4-6 weeks before and after surgery, as smoking can significantly impair healing and increase the risk of complications.
  • Medications: Dr. Pisarski will review your current medications and may recommend adjustments, such as discontinuing certain supplements and anti-inflammatory drugs that can increase bleeding risk.

    Post Surgery Frequently Asked Questions

    How Should I Prepare for Breast Rejuvenation Recovery?

    Almost as important as preparing for breast surgery is preparing for your breast surgery recovery. You should take the following steps to prepare your home and life for recovery, ensuring you’re able to relax and focus on healing after your surgery:

    • Recovery Space: Set up a comfortable recovery area with pillows, blankets, and easy access to entertainment like books, magazines, or a television.
    • Medications: Have all prescribed medications filled prior to your surgery date. Include pain relief, antibiotics, and any other medications recommended by Dr. Pisarski.
    • Comfortable Clothing: Prepare loose, comfortable clothing that can be easily put on and taken off without lifting your arms or straining incisions.
    • Assistance: Arrange for a family member or friend to drive you home after surgery and help with daily tasks for at least the first few days.
    • Childcare: If you have young children, ensure you have help for their care, as lifting and strenuous activities will be restricted.
    • Work and Responsibilities: Plan for adequate time off work and away from responsibilities to allow for a stress-free recovery.

      How Painful is Recovery from Breast Rejuvenation Surgery?

      While pain and discomfort are expected after breast surgery, they are manageable with proper care and medication. Dr. Pisarski will prescribe pain medication to manage discomfort. It's important to follow the prescribed dosage and schedule. Pain tolerance will vary from person to person, but most patients find the pain manageable, especially with medication. Typically, pain and discomfort decrease significantly within the first week of recovery.

      How Long Will My Breast Rejuvenation Results Last?

      The longevity of breast rejuvenation results can vary based on the type of procedure, individual body factors, and lifestyle choices.

      • Breast Augmentation: Implants typically last 10 to 20 years, sometimes longer, but may need to be replaced due to changes in preference, implant leakage, or other complications. After this time, patients may choose to have the implants removed or to have another procedure done.
      • Breast Lift: Results can be long-lasting, but gravity, aging, weight fluctuations, and future pregnancies can affect the longevity of the lift. Your results will last for many years, but you should not expect them to prevent any changes that may occur in the breasts due to the natural aging process.
      • Breast Reduction: Results are often permanent, as the breast tissue that is removed during surgery does not grow back. However, significant weight gain, hormonal changes, or pregnancy can alter breast size and shape over time.
      • Maintaining a stable weight, a healthy lifestyle, and following Dr. Pisarski’s post-operative care instructions can help maximize the longevity of your breast rejuvenation results.

      What to Wear After Breast Rejuvenation Surgery

      After undergoing breast rejuvenation surgery, wearing the correct type of clothing, especially bras, is crucial for supporting your breasts during the recovery process. Here's what you should know about post-surgery attire:

      Types of Bras

      Immediately following surgery, Dr. Pisarski may provide or recommend wearing a surgical bra. These bras are specifically designed to support the healing breasts, reduce swelling, and maintain the position of the breasts. Surgical bras are typically made of soft, breathable fabric and have front closures for ease of use. Some patients may be advised to wear compression garments instead of or in addition to surgical bras. These garments help to minimize swelling and support the new breast shape during the healing process. After the initial healing period, usually a few weeks post-surgery, Dr. Pisarski may recommend transitioning to a soft, wireless sports bra that offers gentle support without underwires, which can irritate incisions. You may need to wear these bras for 4 to 8 weeks before going back to regular bras.

      Types of Clothing

      Immediately after surgery, it's best to wear clothing that does not require lifting your arms to put on or take off. Front-opening shirts, blouses, or zip-up hoodies are ideal. Choose tops that are easy to put on and remove without straining your upper body. Loose-fitting garments are more comfortable and help avoid pressure on sensitive areas. Soft, breathable fabrics are ideal for post-surgery clothing. They allow for better air circulation around the healing incisions, reducing the risk of irritation.

      How to Sleep After Breast Rejuvenation Surgery

      Sleeping in the correct position is vital to avoid putting pressure on your breasts, helping to reduce swelling and discomfort. For the first 4-6 weeks after surgery, it's recommended to sleep on your back with your upper body slightly elevated. This position helps reduce swelling and prevents pressure on the breasts. Use pillows or a wedge pillow under your back, neck, and knees to maintain elevation and comfort throughout the night.

      When Can I Drive After Breast Enhancement Surgery?

      The ability to drive after breast surgery depends on your mobility and pain levels. You should abstain from driving until you are able to move your arms without discomfort. Additionally, you should be able to make sudden movements, such as braking, without pain. Patients typically reach these comfort levels about 2-3 weeks after surgery. Keep in mind that you should not drive while taking narcotic pain medications or if you’re experiencing any discomfort that will impair your driving ability. If you have any doubts, Dr. Pisarski can help you evaluate whether it’s safe to be driving.

      Can You Breastfeed with Breast Implants?

      Yes, many women can breastfeed with breast implants. However, the ability to breastfeed depends on the type of surgery, the placement of the implants, and whether any significant breast tissue or nerves were affected during the procedure. Discussing your desire to breastfeed with Dr. Pisarski before surgery can help tailor the surgical approach to preserve breastfeeding capability.

      Are you looking to have breast surgery done in Lake Jackson, Bay City, Angleton, or Houston, TX? Gulf Coast Plastic Surgery, led by Dr. Pisarski, offers numerous different breast surgery procedures to help you achieve your goals. Call us today to schedule your consultation and discuss the breast surgery options recommended for you.